Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How to Use Your Immune System to Stay Healthy

By Mary Anne Dunkin

Do you seem to catch cold after cold, while your friends sail through winter unscathed? Maybe you need to think about strengthening your immune system.
You may pay more attention to the health of your immune system during the winter, when colds and flu surround you. But the truth is, your immune system has to work hard all through the year, whether it’s offering protection from a flu virus or an infection that could happen any time.

“We are endowed with a great immune system that has been designed evolutionarily to keep us healthy,” says Bruce Polsky, MD, interim chairman department of medicine and chief division of infectious disease at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York City.

Building Healthy Immunity

There’s no single pill or supplement you can take to boost your immune system. Instead, adopting these healthy living habits can help improve your immunity for a lifetime.

Go for a walk: Sitting around not only can leave you feeling sluggish, it also can make your immune system sluggish. Exercise, on the other hand, helps boost immunity.
“We know exercise is good for immune function,” says Polsky. The good news, he says, is that you don’t need elaborate exercise programs and personal trainers. “Even fast walking – getting your heart rate up for 20 minutes three times a week -- is associated with increased immune function,” Polsky tells WebMD.
Researchers aren’t sure exactly how exercise helps strengthen the immune system. Studies show that people who exercise have better-functioning white blood cells (the ones that help fight off infection) than people who don’t exercise.
Also, exercise is associated with the release of endorphins. “These are natural hormones that affect the brain in positive ways,” Polsky says. They ease pain and promote a sense of relaxation and well-being – all of which can help you de-stress and sleep better, which in turn improve immunity.

Eat a healthy diet: Proper nutrition is essential for your immune system to work well. A diet high in empty calories not only leads to weight gain, but it can leave you more prone to infections. Plus, being overweight is associated with a number of health problems that can also drag your immune system down.
“When the immune system is down, you want to avoid things like alcohol and sugar, especially because microbes love sugar,” says Stephen Sinatra, MD, a certified nutrition specialist and assistant clinical professor of medicine at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine.

A diet rich in antioxidant vitamins, on the other hand, can boost resistance to infection. Think about eating in color: dark green, red, yellow, and orange fruits and veggies are packed with antioxidants. Try berries, citrus fruits, kiwi, apples, red grapes, kale, onions, spinach, sweet potatoes, and carrots.
Other immune-boosting foods include fresh garlic, which may have antiviral and antibiotic properties, and old-fashioned chicken soup. Studies show that, if you do come down with a cold or the flu, a bowl of steaming chicken soup can ease inflammation and help you get well faster.
And mushrooms such as reichi, maitake, and shiitake may have a strong influence on immune function as well as enhance the production of chemicals that help your body respond to infection.

Get enough sleep: Regular bouts with insomnia may not only leave you feeling fatigued during the day, but also leave you vulnerable to illnesses, including colds, flu, and other infections. Long term, poor sleep also has been shown to increase the risk of other health problems, including obesity and diabetes.
The body uses sleep as a means of healing itself, says Scott Berliner, president and supervising pharmacist at Life Science Pharmacy in New York. When we don’t get enough sleep – or reach the deeper stages of sleep – healing is impaired.

It’s hard to measure exactly sleep’s protective effect on the immune system, and researchers don’t know precisely how sleep improves immunity. Like antioxidants, sleep may help reduce oxidative stress, which then stops cells from being weakened and harmed. But “clearly, sleep – at least seven hours a night – is associated with increased resistance to infectious diseases,” says Polsky.

Practice stress management: When your body is under constant stress, you’re more vulnerable to everything from the common cold to major diseases.
“Stress from time to time is not necessarily a bad thing. But to not have relief from the stress -- to be under constant stress -- is deleterious to health,” says Polsky. That’s because a steady cascade of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, weaken the immune system.

Chronic stress is linked to heart disease and hypertension, and it can also have an effect on white blood cell function, Polsky says.
“When I speak to people about lifestyle changes, I look at what they can do to manage their stress, whether it be meditating – maybe exercise is their form of meditation – whether it be spirituality of a religious nature. It really doesn’t matter,” says Berliner.

Don’t abuse alcohol or use recreational drugs: Drinking a moderate amount of alcohol appears to have some health benefits, such as lowering your risk of heart disease. What’s “moderate?” No more than two drinks a day for a man, or one drink for a woman. But drinking too much alcohol can inhibit the function of white blood cells and lower your resistance to infection, says Polsky. Using recreational drugs, including marijuana, has the same effect on white blood cells, weakening your immune system.

Strengthen relationships: Research shows that people with close friendships and strong support systems tend to be healthier than those who lack such supports.
A good sexual relationship may provide even more immune system benefits. A study of college students found those who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of an immune system protein called immunoglobulin A (IgA) than those who had less sex. Sex may also help immunity by reducing stress and improving sleep.

“I tell people to get good love in their lives -- good support, good friendships, however they need to get that love,” says Berliner. Good relationships, along with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep, are part of a holistic approach to boosting the immune system and protecting yourself from disease. “And to treat any problem holistically, there is no one-pill approach,” Berliner says.


4 Healthy Habits That Cut Disease Risk

By Kelli Miller Stacy
WebMD Health News

Don't smoke. Get off the sofa and take a walk. Stay away from the junk food. Watch your waistline.

You may have heard the advice before. But did you know that if you follow all four of these healthy habits together, you could decrease your chances of developing some of the most common and deadly chronic diseases by nearly 80%?
Researchers reporting in this month's Archives of Internal Medicine analyzed the health, lifestyles, and diet of 23,513 German adults 35 to 65 years old, starting in the mid-1990s. The study showed that those who had more healthy habits were much less likely to get diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
The analysis included a detailed look at each person's body weight and height, disease background, food frequency, and how well they followed these four healthy lifestyle habits over the eight-year study period:

• Never smoked
• Exercised at least 3.5 hours per week
• Maintained a body mass index (BMI) under 30
• Followed a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain breads, and limited in meats

Most of the people in the study had at least one healthy habit; only 9% said they followed all four.

After adjusting for risk factors that might influence the development of disease, the researchers learned that those who followed all four healthy habits had a 78% lower risk of developing a chronic condition such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or cancer compared to those who reported none of the healthy habits.
Specifically, in the study, all four of the healthy habits combined were linked to a:

• 93% lower risk of type 2 diabetes
• 81% lower risk of heart attack
• 50% lower risk of stroke
• 36% lower risk of cancer

Researchers say it's important to adopt and teach healthy habits early in life. Their findings "reinforce current public health recommendations to avoid smoking, to maintain a healthy weight, to engage in physical activity appropriately and to eat adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables and foods containing whole grains and to partake of red meat prudently," study author Earl S. Ford, MD, MPH, of the CDC, and colleagues write.

The following habits may help you lower your risk of developing chronic diseases. They are listed in order of largest to smallest impact on disease risk, as determined by the recent study.
1. Maintain a healthy weight. Your body mass index should be lower than 30.
2. Never smoke. (But if you already do, you should quit.)
3. Get at least 3.5 hours of exercise every week.
4. Follow a healthy diet. Ask your doctor for recommendations.


Migraine Headaches - Symptoms

Migraine headache symptoms vary and may occur with or without a warning sign called an aura. People who get an aura, which usually begins within 30 minutes before the headache starts, may see spots, wavy lines, or flashing lights. Some people have numbness or a "pins-and-needles" sensation in their hands, arms, or face during the aura. However, most people do not have an aura before they get a migraine headache.

Common symptoms of migraine include:

Throbbing or pulsating headache on one side of your head.
Moderate to severe headache intensity.
Your headache getting worse with routine physical activity.
Nausea, vomiting, or both.
Sensitivity to light and noise, and sometimes smells.
There are several types of migraine headaches, each with unique features. For example, some women get migraines before, during, or shortly after their menstrual period.

It can be difficult to distinguish migraines from other types of headaches. Sinus or tension headaches have symptoms similar to those of migraines. Unlike other headaches, however, migraines usually occur on one side of your head, although the side that is affected can shift with each new attack. Migraines are also often accompanied by sensitivity to light and noise.

Migraines may occur along with many other conditions such as asthma or depression.3 More serious conditions, such as tumors or infections, can also cause migraine-like symptoms. Headaches that are caused by more serious health problems are rare.


Migraine Headaches - Prevention

You may be able to reduce frequent migraines by avoiding triggers, such as certain foods, stress, and changes in your daily routine, although it is not clear how or why these events lead to migraines. Some common triggers of migraines include:
Consuming certain substances such as chocolate, monosodium glutamate (MSG), red wine, and caffeine.
Getting too much or not enough sleep.
Fasting or skipping meals.
Changes in the weather or barometric pressure.
Stress or intense emotions.
Strong odors or cigarette smoke.
Bright lights or reflected sunlight.

Migraines: Identifying and avoiding triggers

The best way to manage migraine headaches is to avoid them. By identifying and avoiding migraine triggers, you can help reduce the frequency and severity of attacks. While some triggers may be out of your control, others are easily avoidable. The following points can help you prevent a migraine:

Identify your migraine triggers in a headache diary.
Get regular sleep and activity.
Eat regularly, and do not eat foods that are likely to trigger a migraine.
Manage stress.
Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke.

Migraine Headaches - Home Treatment

There are many steps you can take at home to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks and treat the symptoms, such as reducing stress, taking prescription drugs, and identifying and avoiding migraine triggers.

• Find healthy ways to deal with stress. Migraine headaches seem to be more common during stressful times or right after you have "let down" after a stressful time.
• Practice relaxation techniques to reduce muscle tension and stress.
• Take preventive drugs as prescribed by your doctor.
• To help identify triggers of your headaches and determine if your headaches are becoming more severe or more frequent, keep a headache diary
• Seek help if you think that your migraines may be linked to depression or anxiety. Proper treatment of these conditions may reduce the frequency of your migraines.
• Often children's headaches are related to stress about school, such as tests, athletic or social events, or peer pressure. They may also be related to lack of sleep. If your child has headaches, follow the treatment your doctor recommends. If your child has trouble managing his or her headaches with home treatment and your doctor's advice, keep a diary of the headaches and talk with your doctor.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Migraine Headache Cure

You feel like your head is about to split and you wonder if there's a cure for migraine headache.

While there may be medicines to help ease the pain throbbing in your temple, there are natural methods and techniques you can use to find relief.

One solution is to press that fleshy part between your thumb and your forefinger. If you were to extend your pointing finger and your thumb such that they form a letter "V", the web or bottom part of the "V" is what you should try massaging.

With your other hand, press and hold for a count of 5, then release. Feel free to repeat this 3 times, then switch hands and apply finger pressure to the other hand (space between the thumb and forefinger).

Please take note, though, that this is not a guaranteed cure for migraine headaches. Although this form of acupressure or pain reliever has worked for me in the past, the results and degree of relief may vary from person to person. Also, it would be better if you consult your healthcare provider, especially if you don't know what's causing your headache and would like to find an immediate remedy.


Home Remedy For Migraine

Migraine is the name given to severe headaches, normally lasting from 4 to 72 hours. It is mainly felt s pulsing or throbbing in one area of the head. During migraine, there is contraction or dilation of the blood vessels. Some of the factors that can trigger a migraine attack anxiety, stress, lack of food or sleep, exposure to light and hormonal changes (in women). In women, menstruation can also result in migraine. The symptoms of migraine are pain on one side of the head, a short period of depression, irritability and loss of appetite, pounding pain, nausea and vomiting as well as numbness or weakness in an arm or leg or on one side of the face. This severe headache can, however, be cured, naturally using home remedies. Read onto know some of the natural ways of treating migraine.

* Migraine can be treated effectively with the help of fresh grape juice. Grind grapes to extract the juice. Consume the juice in the concentrated form, without adding water.
* Increase the intake of niacin (vitamin B3), as it has been found to be helpful in alleviating migraine pain. Some of the foods rich in niacin are yeast, whole wheat, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, sunflower seeds, liver and fish.
* Cabbage leaves are helpful in relieving the pain of a migraine headache. Squash cabbage leaves and place them in a cloth. Place the cloth on your forehead for sometime. Once the cabbage leaves become dry, remove the cloth and make a fresh one.
* Lemon peel is helpful in solving migraine headache. Grind lemon peel to form a paste and apply it on the forehead. Let it dry and then rinse off with cool water.
* A mixture of carrot juice, either with spinach, beet or cucumber juice, works effectively in curing migraine. Combine 300 ml of carrot juice with 200 ml of any other juice and drink it.
* You can also mix 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices, with 300 ml of carrot juice and drink it on a regular basis.
* Massaging the forehead with primrose oil is beneficial in curing migraine. It works as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, preventing any kind of constriction in the blood vessels.
* Include garlic in your diet. Either chew a piece of garlic in the raw form or mix it with other food items.
* Another effective method would be to have chamomile tea. This is effective in reducing the occurrence of migraine.
* Taking lukewarm water enema is effective. It cleanses the bowels, thereby removing the toxins from the body and helping prevent migraine.
* Take some sandalwood powder and add a few drops of water to it, so as to form a paste. Apply this paste on the forehead and let it dry. Once dry, rub it off by hand and wash it.
* It is advisable to avoid direct sunlight; smoking and drinking alcohol, as all these can aggravate migraine.
